322 | MP notes pp. 284-297


[1] I personally believe that the material interests of
the people are the rock on which in the long run all
propaganda breaks itself. This is true only, however,
if the term 'material interests' is taken in a
highly special and technical sense, as I have ex-
plained it in The scientific method of thinking.
[2] A. J. Greenly, Psychology as a sales factor, p.206.
[3] For some of the facts, see J. Shapera, Western civili-
sation and the natives of South Africa, 1934.
[4] Thimme, Weltkrieg ohne Waffen, p.22.
[5] The Public Opinion Quarterly, 2, 1938, p.67.
[6] see page 214-216.
[7] Psychology and the soldier, 1927, p.135.
[8] Frankfurter Zeitung, 25.3.1934.
[9] Propaganda technique in war time, pp.208-209.
[10] summed up by Murphy, Experimental social psychology,
[11] A revolutionary socialist, on reading this, objected
that it was not at all good for people to be satis-
fied, because then they desired no change. Dissatis-
faction, however, in itself is not conducive to
beneficial change, unless people as a mass know what
kind of society they want to build up. If they do
not know that, their discontent usually only gets
them a more repressive form of government.