5 skandhas [#1-#5]: 1 6 sense-organs [#6-#11]: 26 6 sense-objects [#12-#17]: 27 6 consciousnesses [#18-#23]: 29 6 contacts [#24-#29]: 30 6 feelings [#30-#35]: 31 6 perceptions [#36-#41]: 35 6 volitional reactions [#42-#47]: 40 6 cravings [#48-#53]: 42 6 adjustments of thought [#54-#59]: 51 6 kinds of discursive thought [#60-#65]: 51 6 physical elements [#66-#71]: 51 10 kasinas [#72-#81]: 53 32 parts of the body [#82-#113]: 55 12 subjective-objective sense-fields [#114-#125]: 63 18 elements [#126-#143]: 69 6 sense-dominants [#144-#149]: 73 3 organic dominants [#150-#152]: 77 5 feeling dominants [#153-#157]: 81 5 saving dominants [#158-#162]: 86 3 realms [#163-#165]: 91 9 becomings [#166-#174]: 91 4 jhanas [#175-#178]: 92 4 emancipations of the heart [#179-#182]: 92 4 formless jhanas [#183-#186]: 94 12 links [#187-#198]: 94 [page 96 missing, i.e. p. 105 missing in ms.] similes: 100 tables: 116-123 |